Welcome back to John Gabe's Gang 2022!
Hello and Welcome to John Gabe’s Gang!
We can’t tell you how grateful we are that you are here. About 12 years ago our father, John Gabriel, was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. To know the man is to love him. He is our WHY for spreading awareness, fighting the good fight, and for raising funds for Parkinson’s research, care, and education.
We are fortunate enough to be working with the Parkinson’s Association of Central Florida, an organization that works tirelessly to generate community engagement, to create opportunities for education, and most importantly to support research. They are a monumental key in supporting those afflicted with this disease and their loved ones.
In our own family, the journey with Parkinson’s can feel more like a labyrinth on somedays. But most days we are met with constant reminders of just how fortunate we are to share the love and connection that we do as a family. We feel and know that the people in your corner make this life what it is. So thank you. We are truly grateful for your continued love and support. Anything that you feel comfortable contributing to the cause truly makes a difference.
We look forward to walking with you on April 2nd!
Meredith Gabriel

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