My Journey with Parkinson's

Four and a half years ago I lost my balance and lost control of my motorcycle. I broke my left ankle and collar bone. While on the mend, my doctor told me to see a neurologist just to get their perspective on my balance issue. After a series of simple exercises, she proclaimed that I had Parkinson's... at age 50. I couldn't process this conclusion; I had an occasional tremor here and there, and wasn't as athletic as I once was, but Parkinson's? Really? Today I am on a host of medications, tremor in my right hand, progressively get more rigid as the day progresses, and have dyskinesias and a peculiar gait. But those are only the physical signs of this insidious disease. There also are the unseen complications; depression, anxiety, insomnia and panic attacks just to mention a few. This disease is a thief, attempting to rob you of your happiness by challenging you with each and every daily activity. But I am fighting back. Through my amazing wife and family, exercise and unyielding determination not to give up. I am walking to find a cure. I am walking for hope. Thank you for your support in this fight. Michael

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