
The annual Walk for Parkinson fundraiser has raised significant funds and awareness for Parkinson’s disease in Central Florida through the support of community sponors and donors. The Walk serves as a community event for individuals living with Parkinson’s disease, as well as their families and friends. Without key community stakeholders like you, we would not be able to provide resources and education to empower the Central Florida Parkinson community. 

Your support is critical to our local efforts. When your organization invests in a Parkinson Association of Central Florida event sponsorship, you invest in your community. You invest in the lives of your family, colleagues, employees, neighbors and friends. Thank you!

The PACF Walk for Parkinson is the largest gathering of people with Parkinson’s Disease, their family, friends and co-workers in Central Florida. It is a family friendly event for people of all ages and physical abilities. It’s a scenic one mile walk around Cranes Roost. We will have a large number of informational vendors, food trucks, a movement pavilion, music, dancers, raffles and prizes. It’s a great opportunity to showcase your company and services!

There are several sponsorship levels from Vendor to Sponsorships. Top tier sponsors will have their company's logo proudly displayed on all print, social media and Walk marketing materials - including our Walk t-shirt! In addition, we will provide a 10x10 tent with a table and 2 chairs to showcase your organization. Your employee team members can become involved by volunteering or forming a team and Walk for Parkinson!

For information and to sign up as a sponsor - click HERE for the Sponsor/Vendor Information packet

Please complete and return to PACF no later than March 1st to be included in the marketing materials.